November: Emotional Balance

Posted November 1, 2023

If you picture someone who is emotionally balanced in your head, likely you have an image of this very calm and “go with the flow” person who doesn’t let anger, frustration, or sadness get the best of them. 

The truth is, balance isn’t staying in this perfection-neutral state where you never reach big feelings. Instead, it’s balancing the different chapters of your life. 

There are times in your life when grief is taking the main stage. You are confronted with the pain of loss, and that feeling can cloud the majority of your experiences. You may, on the opposite side, welcome a major high - like an accomplishment or recognition that gives you one of those graduation moments in life. It’s a time where you can sit back and appreciate what you’ve gone through the doors it’s opened and the gifts it’s given. Because of that, a calm, grateful feeling clouds the majority of your experiences. Then there are the more complex chapters that are bound with fresh starts and major ends all at once, and you are flooded with loss and joy at the same time.

All of these are valid, and we find our balance when we let emotions do just what they are supposed to, MOVE THROUGH US! An emotionally balanced person contains magnitudes because they hold the capacity for all the feelings that come with the human experience. Emotional balance is letting yourself find and regain your footing over and over again. It’s about responding to whatever events come in your life by letting yourself witness and experience the emotions that are triggered. It’s about growing that part of yourself that neither pushes them down nor indulges them; that right there is the hardest part. 

When life gets tough, it’s easy to want to distract ourselves. We will work more, and avoid the feeling or anything that reminds us of what is challenging. Or we may be, on the other end, where we don’t want the party to end. We are attached to pleasure and we hold on with dear life. 

With the holidays coming up, the current events happening in Palestine/Israel, and any other chaos that may be coming up right now, there is so much intensity and feeling we may be experiencing. The key to balance is finding your footing through the intensity of THIS moment.

Throughout the month, we will have content on Emotional Balance During World Crisis, Emotional Balance During the Holidays, and how we get through all of it as a community. We hope our content this November gives you the inspiration to connect with the indomitable part of your own spirit. This is the greatest guiding force and the footing we find no matter what pain arises. It’s the part of us we hope remains through every twist and turn in life. Thank you for being a vibrant part of this community. We feel lucky to grow alongside you.

If you’re ready to get started, please check out our on-demand resources: Enter the Portal


December: Letting Go


October: Physical Health and Rest