October: Physical Health and Rest
Posted October 6, 2023
Since the pandemic, one of the struggles we hear the most is that people just don’t have the same energy that they used to. The pandemic and so much time in isolation took a major toll on our minds and bodies. As a culture, we are forever changed. Rather than attempting to push and force things to be as they were and to be as social, active and busy as we once were, we might actually get more done by slowing down. Yes that’s right, slowing down is the new busy, and rest and the Joy of Missing Out are the newest trends. Why? Because our physical bodies are screaming for it. For many people, we don’t have another choice.
“It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when we have lost our way. “ - Rollo May
At YoJo, we talk pretty often about how the healing process from this whole pandemic has barely, if at all, begun. We spent years under extreme stress and we are still living through very unprecedented times. Our bodies need different things when we are going through such change, especially when those changes haven’t even begun to pause.
This month at YoJo, we want to focus on bringing health and healing to your physical body through slowing down. There will still be plenty of time for intense workouts if that’s your thing. Rather, we are building off of last month’s focus on understanding the psychology of habits. We dove into understanding why habits don’t stick and we discussed how to understand yourself so you can add habits that will. Now that you’re doing things a little more efficiently, there should be a little extra space to rest. If you haven’t followed along from September, that’s okay. You can still join in now!
Why? Rest lowers inflammation, increases immunity, allows us to be more creative, increases our patience, our attention span and we even live longer. Caring for our physical bodies by going slower can literally save your life.
If you’re ready to get started, make sure to check out our monthly podcast and stay tuned weekly for our walking meditations!