Loryn Lyn Simonsen Loryn Lyn Simonsen

Testimonial 4

“I have to tell you, none of us knew about the death of [removed for privacy]’s partner. We were all a bit stunned at the way everyone opened up. Jessa, if I wasn’t already a believer in you, today’s session sealed the deal.”

HR leader

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Loryn Lyn Simonsen Loryn Lyn Simonsen

Testimonial 3

“We love YoJo! Our company mostly consists of very tight, somewhat shy, non-yoga types. YoJo is an easy, convenient, and effective…I highly recommend it!”

Sonny Kalsi, Founder and Partner, BentallGreenOak

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Loryn Lyn Simonsen Loryn Lyn Simonsen

Testimonial 2

“Thank you so much for sharing your work and passion as safely and intentionally as you did. It feels like my life has momentum again, and I am forever grateful our energies collided!”

Kenny, Employee and member of the LGBTQ ERG

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Loryn Lyn Simonsen Loryn Lyn Simonsen

Testimonial 1

“Having YoJo come to our workplace was enlightening and refueling.”

Millie Verastegui Hester, Managing Art Director, NBC

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